Struggling to see how all your financial goals fit together?

It’s time to finally be sure you’re making the most of your money

Get a roadmap for all the areas of your financial life with comprehensive financial planning for couples and individuals ready to enjoy life now — AND stay on track for the future of your dreams.

You want to retire with epic memories of a life fully lived ...

So you’ve been proactive about your finances. You’ve saved. You’ve invested.

Still, it feels like you’re missing something.

Maybe you’re not sure which investments are best for your situation. Or you wonder how the European tour on your bucket list might impact your future plans. Or maybe you’re worried you started saving for retirement too late.

Not to mention the Big Life Events that pop up and add to the uncertainty, like:

Starting or expanding your family
Buying property
Receiving an inheritance
Dealing with debt
Building a business
Or making another career pivot

So even if you’re in decent financial shape ...

... you find yourself wondering how to stay on track for the future you want, even when life’s at its… life-iest.

Financial planning for lgbtq

You need a financial plan that supports the real, human life you’re living

You’ve made tons of smart choices on your own.

But independent research gets confusing for anyone. You shouldn’t have to deal with constant uncertainty. Or feel like you’re always babysitting your money.

It’s time for a financial plan robust enough to rely on, yet flexible enough for all the lifey stuff that comes up.

One that gives you the confidence to pivot whenever you need to, so you can keep moving toward the future you want.

That’s exactly why we developed the Ultimate Abundance Overhaul, our most comprehensive financial planning program.

This program is for you if...

  • You’re in decent financial shape, but you need help prioritizing multiple short and long-term goals...

  • You’ve done some investing, but you’re ready to double down on making your dream retirement a reality...

  • You’re a personal finance DIYer who’s ready to get on the same page as your partner(s)...

  • You know you could be doing more to optimize your insurance and workplace benefits...

  • You’ve been working on building your savings, but you’re not sure what to do with it...

  • You feel restricted by your current financial plan, and you want to be confident using your money in ways that make you happy, like treating your family to a nice vacation...

You get the tools to help with all of that in our…

Ultimate Abundance Overhaul: Comprehensive Financial Plan

Get a personalized roadmap, strategies, and private coaching to enjoy life in the short term, build a solid retirement plan, and feel confident navigating Big Life Events along the way.

Whoop whoop! Let’s do this.

Here’s everything you get:

6 private financial planning sessions

We cover the WORKS in 6 one-hour Zoom planning sessions. It’s a supported dive deep into your goals, budget, investments, retirement, insurance, estate planning, and more!

Flexible sessions that cover what matters most to YOU

You get 2 “flex” sessions to choose financial topics you need the most support with. Common topics include: extra budget support, debt repayment plan, college planning, student loan deep dive, small business best practices, buying your first house, employer stock options, and more!

Your Comprehensive Financial Plan doc

Walk away with a detailed summary doc that covers your investment strategy, Social Security, an optimized strategy for student loans and other debt, guidance around insurance and estate planning, and much more!

A one-page Financial Action Plan checklist

You get a simple, one-page Financial Action Plan checklist that breaks down the steps you need to take. So it’s super easy to stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.

Your personal financial planning hub

All of your plans and action steps live in a comprehensive Google spreadsheet. So it’s super convenient for you to find specific recommendations, plans for budgeting, and anything else we work on together.

Support with your budget and short-term goals

We assess your spending habits and short-term goals to see how they align with your future plans. You also get an easy-to-implement budget (no ongoing tracking required!) and recommended systems for sticking to it.

Retirement planning and long-term goal setting

Dig into your dream retirement and develop a clear path to get there. Through the process, you get support to establish (and automate!) your savings for retirement.

Education and accountability to empower your financial goals

You’ll build the confidence and know-how to take action and DIY your financial plan from here. (Bonus: learning this stuff now saves you money on ongoing financial planning and coaching fees!)

Holistic, supportive coaching that honors where you’re at

Even if you’re in good financial shape, it’s okay to feel unsure about things. We accept where you are, honor your money story, and help you find clarity on any issue that comes up.

Direct support between sessions

If you have any questions between sessions, you’ve got us in your back pocket! Simply reach out via email and we’ll help you move forward.

BONUS: 30 days of post-planning support

Questions may come up after we finalize your financial plan, too. That’s why you get 30 days of phone and email support after you receive the final drafts!

Holistic investment planner

Hey, I’m Michelle!

Your holistic investment planner and financial coach


I help you create a roadmap to kick ass at managing your money.

You might be here because you’re tired of the traditional options for financial planning:

  • Constantly stressing about your next money moves
  • Overwhelming yourself with research
  • Or having some old dude in a suit talk down to you and sell you shit you don’t need.

That’s where I come in!

I’m here to *actually* listen to your money hangups and help you find real solutions that work.

Together, we can transform your money stress into steps you feel confident taking toward the future you want.

It all goes down in the Ultimate Abundance Overhaul.

Here’s how it works

Over 6 one-hour private Zoom coaching sessions, we work together to set up the financial plan that works for your goals. Sessions go like this:

Session 1: Goals and getting to know you

Your opportunity to share your current situation, past experiences, and goals. This is a supportive, judgment-free space to discuss any doubts or questions, and start forming your action plan!

Session 2: Budgeting deep dive

A deep-dive into budgeting, assess your current strategy, and find ways to optimize your approach.

Sessions 3 & 4: FLEX sessions customized to your needs

Flex sessions are here to address the specific topics you want to work on. From buying your first house to navigating debt repayment… any financial stuff you want expert support with is fair game.

Session 5: Investing & retirement

Discuss your goal retirement age and lifestyle, how much it’ll cost, and the best path to get you there while accounting for short-term goals.

Session 6: Insurance & estate planning

Look at your current life insurance and estate planning coverage and find opportunities to optimize your approach.

holistic investment planner

Ready to co-create your badass financial plan?

Click here to join our waitlist! (We only take on a couple engagements per month, to ensure we can deliver great service ️‍🌈✨) 

YES, add me to the waitlist!

Click here to book a free 20 minute intro call via phone or Zoom, so we can chat about the best next steps for you!

YES, but I have a question first!

Let’s talk details

You Get:

✔️ 6 one-hour private financial planning sessions
✔️ Flex sessions to cover what matters most to YOU
✔️ Your Comprehensive Financial Plan doc
✔️ A one-page Financial Action Plan checklist
✔️ Your personal financial planning hub
✔️ Support with your budget and short-term goals
✔️ Retirement planning and long-term goal setting
✔️ Education and accountability to empower your financial goals
✔️ Holistic, supportive coaching that honors where you’re at
✔️ Direct support between sessions
✔️ BONUS: 30 days of post-planning support

Total price for individuals:


Total price for couples:

Ooor break it down with our transparent payment plans 


You can break the total price down into 6 monthly payments, for no additional charge.

Individuals can pay in 6 monthly payments of:


Couples can pay in 6 monthly payments of:

Got more questions about how it works?

You scrolled all the way down here, so what do you say…

Ready to feel confident that you’re on track to meet your goals?

It’s overwhelming to rely on research, cross your fingers, and hope you’re set up for financial success. So let’s map out a financial plan you can feel confident in, to help you live life to the fullest, and move toward the future of your dreams.

Yesss, I’m ready to feel confident about my money!
financial planning for couples